The art of losing isn’t hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intentto be lost that their loss is no disaster,Lose something every day. Accept the flusterof lost door keys, the
Timeline of Events
Feb. 19
First male patient, 87, became ill with H7N9 (Medical News Today).
Feb. 27
Second male patient, 27, became ill with H7N9 (Medical News Today).
March 4
First male patient dies (Medical News Today).
March 9
Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhereThe ceremony of innocence
2 egg yolks
1 small clove garlic, grated or finely minced
2 teaspoons red-wine vinegar
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus more to taste
12 anchovy fillets, minced
1 teaspoon fish sauce (nam pla), optional
A few dashes
Do you feel that wobbleof earth’s axis, spacewhirling past the ice-capped pole?The pines like judges stare down at us:
What should we recant, here,tonight, as if we’d only just begun:Off-center already, losingequilibrium? The world-soul
A single Guinness stands mute inThe fridge, proxy for his footfalls,his hard way of walking, his hardwalk shaking the radiators.He’s in Moscow by now, and thenPrague for some weeks, learning somelessons, and then
Light the first light of evening, as in a roomIn which we rest and, for small reason, thinkThe world imagined is the ultimate good.
This is, therefore, the intensest rendezvous.It is in that thought
One paragraph from a great piece by Ben Horowitz on why founding CEOs fail, or, turned around, what is the new role of the leader?
Make people consider the data they don’t have
In today’s
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